Monday, June 29, 2009

The Von Trapp Family

San Vincenzo, ancora

More ways this family reminds me of the Von Trapp Family from the Sound of music:
- The mom whistles for the kids really loudly to call them
- the kids are always running around doing errands
- the older kids take care of the younger ones
- they break out into song at the dinner table. The mamma always has really ridiculous songs in her head. The other night it was Tellietubbies and that went on for a very long time. When one person starts, the whole family all joins in to sing along.

Other notable things!

When I came here the moon was a tiny sliver, and last night it looked just like a lemon slice. I like the idea of measuring my time here by the moon, because i always forget what day it is and dont have a phone or a calendar.

My relationship with bugs is improving. For example, i ate a peach that had an earwig in it once i flicked the earwig out. But today there was this really beautiful bug on me and it looked like it had multicolored tiles on its back, and i thought i would let it crawl on me a bit because i am getting more comfortable with them, then it slowed down and looked around and then bent its little knees and dragged its little butt on my leg and excreted a lot of goo. This put me a couple of steps back. I have never been horrible with bugs, but i am appreciating them more.

I am eating so many fresh fruits and vegetables every day I feel like I am going to live forever.

Tomorrow we leave the Von Trapp family for Siena! It feels like I am going home, but in a dream, where home looks and smells different and has different colors, but you still know it is the same place.

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