Friday, June 26, 2009

Harvest Day

still San Vincenzo; Livorno, Toscana, Italia

Today i woke up to the chorus of birds that sing in the morning, at 645, and then harvested beets and red onions and lettuce all morning. It feels really natural and quite beautiful to develop such an intimate relationship with the earth. Everything that I do here, the weeding and planting and harvesting and running around and enjoying the natural resources, it is all a very tender back and forth and it is making me feel even more present than i've ever been.

On another note, we sang ninties pop songs in the fields and while we were harvesting and cleaning the produce. It really enhanced the experience, we were all laughing so hard at each of our respective Britney renditions. However, I think I must have wasted a cumulative total of 3 hours of my life trying to remember the words to Independent Women by Destiny's Child. (shoes on my feet - I BOUGHT IT, the house I live in - I BOUGHT IT- the ride I'm rockin' - I BOUGHT IT... in case you were curious... and believe me when I finally sang those words to Sophie it felt like the sweetest of all victories) Things can get a little slow sometimes...

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